Monday, February 22, 2010

Religious and racial harmony

Recently, Pastor Rony tan, Senior pastor and founder of Light House Evangelism church has stirred up some controversy over Religions. His comments on Buddism and Taoism had indirectly insulted the two religion and sparked on online dicussion on this matter. Pastor Rony was sharing his comments with his church when some former buddists who has became christians came on stage to testify their stories. And becaused of that, he has gotten into trouble with the ISD(internal security department) and the two respective religious faiths.Fortunately for him, the ISD has only gave him a warning and his personal apology to the two leaders of buddism and taoism have been accepted. What his mistake was grave as it could have treathened the religious and racial harmony in Singapore. All of us come from different faiths and races,but that has not stopped us from staying united as a nation. Pastor Rony comment's could have caused many conflicts between religions which nobody wants. We can persuade people to come to know a religion and change his or her faith. But we should never criticise or look down on other religions as that is disrespecting other religions. We cannot possibly go around saying that Malay are bias to one another in a conflict which involves other races. Just because most malays are muslims, such comments should not be said. Other races would not like being criticised over their skin colour or races. This would ultimately harm the growth and unity of Singapore. Thus one should show mutual respect to other religious faiths and races.

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